Car equipment networking


With the advancement of technology and the use of many facilities in cars, car wiring is one of the critical issues in car manufacturing. So that the length of the wire used in cars exceeds one kilometer. Among the problems caused by simakshi in cars, especially cars with more electronic facilities, the following can be mentioned.

Due to the complexity and large volume of wires, it causes slow production.

There is a need for a large space to make car wiring harnesses, so usually the work space for making wiring harnesses should be done in a large hall.

The heavy weight of the wires in the car

Fault finding is difficult and the time to fix the fault is long.

Adding a new electronic system in the car, such as an alarm, etc., is time-consuming and costly.

Due to these reasons, the need to reduce the number of wires and suitable substitutes for it has been proposed in the world. And we proposed a new method to solve this problem.

General description of the plan

In this plan, equipments are used that will be able to carry the information on the battery wire that must be stretched to feed the equipment and deliver it to different points. Therefore, there will be no need for another wiring to control the equipment.

The use of this design can reduce the volume of wiring inside the car by 70%, which will reduce the car’s weight and naturally reduce the car’s fuel consumption. In this plan, depending on the type of vehicle and the equipment installed on it, several network nodes are considered, which will be able to control up to 11 sensors and operators around them and send the information of the sensor to the node that needs the information of that sensor. is about to send and control its operator as a result of the received information.

All operations are done only by sending messages in the network, and there is no master (Mater-Slave) in the network to command the other nodes. (Massage Driven)

Advantages of the plan:

Reducing the amount of wire used in the car up to 70%

Easy fault finding by connecting a tester to both ends of the car battery

Installing new equipment in the car only by connecting the two power wires of the desired device to the two ends of the battery.

Reducing production costs such as occupying space (required for assembly) is much smaller than the current state. Much less volume in terms of storing and transporting them to the car assembly hall.

High installation speed during assembly and very fast troubleshooting due to problems during assembly.

Due to its expandability, it is possible to use new equipment in the car at any time, both in the factory and later, easily and quickly.

High employment creation (in addition to the fact that expert people are needed to assemble and test node boards, which causes direct employment creation. It can also cause a lot of indirect employment creation. For example, companies can make equipment for cars And with this method, they can easily install it on the car without the need to manipulate the car and….)

The ability to remove the car’s central computer (ECU) and divide its tasks among network nodes in a distributed manner.

Removal of high volume and heavy current switches with very small and low current switches. such as the guide handle or the light switch and…

The ability to install nodes with any type of topology such as (star, bus, ring, etc.)

No need to terminate the beginning and end of the transmission line.

It has circuits for noise reduction and error correction for the noises produced in the car.

It has a high dynamic range up to 80 dB.